Whimsically Sorry

Simple flower with the word sorry
Created by GEL

"Sorry I pushed your buttons yesterday
 And then maybe the day before,
 Sorry you never saw how I looked at you with care,
 Sorry you've never seen a sunset hanging from the sky,
 But mostly I'm sorry that you won't see me cry
 Because, you’re gone and it's BLT Tuesday,
 A rotten day for your toaster to die,"
                My father finished speaking his tone very solemn and forlorn. I stood next to him, and slightly behind, away from trash can in which laid the toaster, waiting for him to come up from his momentary grief.

His grief lasted too long and at the urging of my belly I asked the now ever pressing question, "So.... Tacos?"

"Taco's sound about right, go get the ground beef, I'll locate the veggies, and the tortillas got it?"

"Yep," my feet already move to the garage door, my mind psyching up for the ballerina run to freezer and back. Staying out in the garage is taboo since; the cat fell through the ceiling after my brothers locked it in the attic for peeing on their new gaming consuls... Tank (the cat), fell on my little sister and knocked her to the ground on her way back from getting orange juice; the ceiling is no longer trusted. Opening the garage door I ran opened the freezer and got three pounds of ground beef and ran back into the safety of the house.

"Okay I got it," I announced as the door shut behind me. The site in front of me was that of comedy, my dad was standing there looking at me his hands full of vegetables and residing on his head was the bag that held the tortillas. Laughing, a concern rolled off my tongue, “So how are you gonna break it to mom that you broke the new toaster?"
 That reached him and the vegetables fell to table and with a nod so did the tortillas. "Ugh, Right...," his voice came out distracted, "Right, so um I'll take care of meat hand it over, ...  Wow that's too much, that's OK , I'll put it into the fridge," his words receding to a whiff only to return a moment later. "So we'll have chili tomorrow, and in order for me to make that I need you to go find some flowers so mom won't kill me can you do that for me please?"
"Sure dad,” giving him the meat I backed out of the kitchen and away from his cooking madness, relieved that I only had to find one thing instead of sixteen. Only where does one find flowers in the city? Walking outside I didn't have to go very far, as a soon as I went pass my mailbox, the answer was found. Weeds, they had pretty flowers, they're free and picking those most probably, won't get you in trouble because, who would yell at you for picking weeds, something people make a lot of money trying to kill.  They come in many colors sizes and are almost entirely unique to the community they live in. Happy with myself, I found some purple flowers down by the school yard a few streets over, I started heading home.

Walking into the living room, Ignored my dad who was singing loudly, and wandered off into my room to start working on the card that was going to get dad off the hook for EVERYTHING, well hopefully. All he needs is to have a card that looks like he bought it just for her, and then he'll take me out for ice cream on the way to get mom a new toaster.

P.S. When my mom got home she was pleasantly surprised-- mostly, the card made up the difference though so I'm definitely getting ice cream, and for the record  BLT tacos with onions are Awesome Tacos, maybe we don't need a new toaster.


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